Most states require that all drivers carry liability insurance. This protects other drivers from you in the event of an accident where you are at fault. That is important, but it is not the only consideration. What about your vehicle? If you have a car loan or a lease, you will be required to carry additional insurance to protect their investment in your vehicle. At Collum Insurance Group LLC in Richardson, TX, our goal is to place our customers’ needs first and offer them the service they deserve.
We live in a world where having a vehicle is a necessity for most people. Texas is a big state with wide-open spaces. Getting to work and appointments can get pretty tricky if you don’t have a vehicle. If you have an accident that damages your vehicle and are at fault, the repairs or replacement are on you. If this would not be a hardship for you, you don’t need to carry collision and comprehensive insurance. But if you are like most people, it is something you need.
Collision is the insurance that pays for the damage resulting from an accident. It might be one where you are at fault or that the other driver is uninsured or underinsured.
Comprehensive insurance covers other things that can damage your vehicle. They are usually things beyond your control. Things like damage due to high winds, hail, a large animal, lightning, flooding, vandalism, and theft. This type of insurance usually includes glass coverage, as well.
So if you use your car every day of your life, then yes, you do need to carry collision and comprehensive coverage.
At Collum Insurance Group LLC in Richardson, TX, we are independent agents who provide our customers with choices regarding carriers. To get a no-obligation quote, give our office a call or visit us in person. We will be happy to help you choose the best auto insurance for you.